Thursday, March 09, 2006

VANIS TRIP! aka Road Trip

hey what's up my wigger friends... haha jk

anyways so I am almost done my Massage course! so I can be paid to lather up naked bodies with oil and give them pleasure... but strictly in a non-sexual way.... HAHAHA... jk... nah I'm kidding I won't be a perv...

so my bestest buddy Vanis (like penis but with va) haha jk she doesn't like that nick name, and I
are going on a road trip... it's so Rad I had to put it on here....

so if you hear about two girls getting kicked out of the states for being "rowdy"/"randy" haha jk about randy... well for me anyways :P you'll know why....and who they were ;) haha oh yeah...

in the words of dylan "Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhh! BABY"

okay so on that note good bye, God bless, and hope you read some more of my ramblings another night!


good girls finish first said...

so yahh road trip freeking awsome... cant wait till may baby yahhh

ChantyblueEyes said...

heck ya