Thursday, March 29, 2007

makes no sense to me

Hey so question: why is it that this certain someone that I won't deny I love, is haunting my dreams ha ha. I say Haunting because I don't want him there.
And as a mater of fact I want to completely forget him. Harsh I know but I know that we're not "meant for each other" so it's best if I just forget he's alive ha ha so harsh when I put it on here. Anywho so isn't that weird that I dream about him all the time. And Most of the time in my dream he's an ass so it helps me move on.. but the last week or so every night he's pretty much proclaiming his love for me... so dumb because I've been good at not thinking about him but now my dreams have to get a grip and leave him ALONE :P.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On the Road

I officially can drive alone.... yahoooo!


just thought I'd share with all

Friday, March 16, 2007

if I could be plastic

okay so I know outsides don't matter but lets face it if I win the lottery one day/somehow save up enough money heres what I'm going to get done...

  • Liposuction Surgery
  • Veneers

I know it's vain, but whatever I'm sure you've thought of something you could do... so poo on you... haha jk I love you

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

no babe

Okay so I said my cousin was having a baby in January... well turns out she had a miscarriage. so That really sucks!!!

but Kathy from work had a baby boy so that IS good :)

on other news today is Jennifer's 29th birthday!
so that means in 8 years I'll be 30 :P ha ha
Okay and that is that.

oh so where the heck is my mirror from ebay it still has not come, and I really need if for the tercel.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Oh what a night...

Okay so what a night what a night ha ha

Okay so starts off at lets just say quarter after PM
Vanessa and Nadia pick me up from work, we head over to the concert at my church
So much fun, we dance around and have a great time.
then we go out for ice cream on whyte ave. (us girls)
Then head downtown to a live Jazz show.
Okay so while we're there we find out there is a cover charge so I went with Vanessa's bankcard down the street to take out money from the bank
on the way back these two guys follow me and are whistling and saying obscene things etc. so finally I ditch them when i walk back into the restaurant. (PS. downtown is sketchy at night)
so then after that we drive back to Sherwood park and wait at the transit centre for Nadia's car to warm up.
So we're waiting in Vanessa's car and we see this guy trying to get into the transit centre building and it's locked at night, and then we think he's peeing but he's really not. anywho he comes over and we lock the doors cause obviously he wants to rape and kill all three of us LOL...
Okay so then he's trying to open Vanessa's back door... yeah she has a two door hatch back... good luck buddy and he's slurring "can you just drive me home..." and we told him to call a cab etc. etc... and he's like I have no money, I don't know where I am I need to get home... blah blah blah
so we unlock the door and make him get into the back... then we proceed to drive he leads us to where he thinks his house is. He walks right in because the lights are on. Okay so we wait a few minutes just to make sure everything is Okay then a few minutes later he comes out and says that's not my house.... where is my house....(LMFAO) ha ha seriously!!!!!
So then he gets back in and leads us down this other trail of houses... and he gets out then we ask him if he wants us to walk him to the door... and he's like "no I want to see if any of my house fell out" LoL so we drive off the driveway... then we wait for him to unlock his door, which he does... so then we drive away...

seriously that is so funny!!!

Monday, March 05, 2007

I like macs but come on you gotta admit this is funny even if you yourself are gay.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pardon my lips. They find pleasure in mysterious places

I love that line from "a good year"

ps. I had so much fun today...

now you can see some of my new goods

The Dress.. haha (future Halloween costume!)

New Blanket and pillow cases!

Goodwill Jewelry box... SCORE!

This picture and the one below are the lamp Vanessa and I made...

stupid double sided tape didn't keep the cord to the corner of the wall!! lol
but seriously we made that, bought the shade, then purchased a cord and I decided to go with the energy friendly bulbs :)

what happens when you cross a French man and a Ukrainian woman...

you get me :)