Hey Hey Hey Hipity Hopity Kids! haha and everyone who doesn't necessarily like hip hop.. yeah I'm one of those... sorry it's true.. anyways This is my Buddy JOE... aka THE JOE... he has a passion for God and music... and so is a christian MC, Pretty cool huh?
His new CD (release date is January 24th) is 'The Proletariat LP' it's pretty good, some awesome people are featured on this album as well. So if you wanna listen to some good tunes, and don't wanna hear all that garbage mainstream hip hop is pouring into the youths ears then... check this out! :D haha I think it's pretty good.
The pictures above:
first 3 are the album (he signed for me twice! heck ya!)
The last two are Joe!
check out his web site! www.thejoehiphop.com it's pretty rad! If you want a copy request his album in your local CD/ Record shop, or order online... oh don't forget to sign his guest book!!!! :D
christian hip hop?
what up what up gangsta?!?!? okay maybe not... um why do i know that kid chantel? sooooo familar looking... hmmm
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