Tuesday, January 24, 2006

so they won...

stands for Chantel... haha jk

1 comment:

good girls finish first said...

so... they won... so yah... sabrina was being soo pissy about that today at work t'was verry funny... she was like... steven harper's the devil and hes going to take away constitutional rights from people... and i was like... constitutional rights that were pushed on us by paul martin and jean chretchien? constitutional rights i didnt have the right to vote on? hmmm interesting... well i would have liked to say weather i wanted to have a voice or not cuase this is a fricken democracy... where the government listens to the people... not where the people get told what do belive by the govenment... thats called a dictatorship... hence why im acutally debating going into political siences instead of fine arts next year? what do you think... if belida stronik can be in parlement so can i... shes about as smart as her light grey jimmy choe stiletoes... (well... i dont know...those shooes are pretty smart...)