Thursday, May 10, 2007

heritage hills

seriously vann and I learned the meaning of that today haha,
she long boarded beside me while I road my bike... holy snap there are a lot of up hill pedaling / jogging? for vanessa lol... but yeah it was so fun, we went to 7-11 eventually then took the short way home, then we watched the office. and then I drove her home... pretty good night

oh and tomorrow I get off work early :D

1 comment:

good girls finish first said...

it was more like jogging with one leg beucase i was pushing myself up the hill while on the board! but ti was worth every second!!!!!!!! seriously im going to do this all the time i will lose like 30 pounds and then i will be sooo hot... hotter than a model and no one will be able to resist me and then i will take over the world... ha ha ha just joking... love you chantel!