Friday, April 06, 2007

Testing this puppy out

So supposedly you can post on your blog via e-mail?? so I'm testing this theory out.
Okay so now why not add a photo for dramatics's ha ha
The photo is of my messy room
Okay so today is Good Friday
I know it's not the exact day probably because lets face it I was little and don't actually remember
but it's the day my grandma died. and Jesus died.
My grandma did not in fact come back to life a few days later so that was a bummer but I'm sure she's up in heaven winking at me right now, probably speaking Ukrainian because she liked to do that.. .or I assume she did he he.
Okay I'm done!
Happy Easter!
God bless!


ChantyblueEyes said...

so obviously the photo didn't work... bummer

westmaple said...

Our great grandmother died on April 9th, which was Good Friday that year. I was 16 years old... so, it was 13 years ago. She was 87 years old. I'll post more info about her on my blog...

good girls finish first said...

okay seriously how did you get a song on your blog? your better at this game than i am ha hah a... oh well cool to see you can post from email... not that it really matters i guess... but still cool... um... sorry about your grandma, but lucky for us jesus did come back so we know that shes in heaven! love you nadia asked me for your number so she could get a massage... anywho its late... have a good night! love vann pp.s. i love this song by the way!

westmaple said...

When the heck are you going to update your blog??