Vanessa told me I need to update because apparently she's done 20 blog posts since my last lame post haha.
okay so expect some ranting... and raving cause that's what I'm best at.
so Vanessa slept over, we went to church,
then we went to
POWERAMA! probably spelling that incorrect but oh well tough.. anywho her daddy won 2nd place for his 67 camero
And well then we went to her small group for worship night
Then Jordan and Vanessa came over to my house to watch Children of Men, then I drove Vanessa home and here's where we're at now.
so yeah that's sunday.
Wanna hear a really weird dream I had haha I thought it was and really it makes me think why why why why why do I always dream about this stupid boy that I know I will never have a future with lol but he always some how gets in my mind.
okay here's the dream: (ps. so sketchy but funny all at the same time!)
So we're (just some friends in my dream) playing in a park on a sunny day and it's hot out. All of a sudden these 8 or so army guys pull up and walk into the park and we all sit around a picnic table... don't ask me how 16ish people all fit but we do, and these army guys pull out these guns... which look like guns but turn out to be supersoakers. So they tell us "The rules to this game are simple, basically K.I.S.S. ..." and then [this guy I always think about] cuts him off saying "oh like this?" and grabs the guy's face and smooches him !!!!!! yeah!!!! so crazy and I know it's a dream and all but I was just as SHOCKED in the dream haha..!!! so the army guy pushes him off and says NO KISS stands for KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!! LOL
anywho there was probably more to the dream but that's the crazy part!
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