Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Joe Release CD Party Night

It was ubers and ubers of fun haha... first a show then BP's what a night


Monday, January 23, 2006

mazatlan mexico

So this is where I'm going July 3rd -14th...
so that's going to be pretty RAD!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Thursday, January 12, 2006

night on whyte (avenue)

I think this picture is neat the orange lighting is RAD Yeah... I was trying to make it authentic.. but I was much too chicken to actually lick it... Vann did though...
Whoa.. scary... I would look cute if my eyes weren't black I look like anti-christ or something:(
yeah I thought posing with meters would make me look cool.. well there's the tiniest amount of snow on them....
I stuck my hands on the parking lot... in the snow... and they got cold... and DIRTY!

Monday, January 09, 2006

chevy cavaliers... yeah they really do suck

Haha yeah I have to take drivers ed... and in this piece...

peice of crapmobile... haha i hate the clutch on that car... anyways
so tonight I got to drive to Beaumont, then I learned to parallel park... can we say... HECK YA!

it hurts....... wahhhhhhhh

I bite my tongue... and it hurts
it's just the side, but it didn't hurt yesterday but to day it's aching...
how did it happen?

well let me tell you

I was playing with a boy at church that is about 5 I'd say... and he is autistic and he was jumping around, and he jumped while he was right beside me and hit my chin up while my mouth was open, which caused me to bite my tongue... it didn't hurt, but I could taste a trace of okay I'm being sick... but that's what happened...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What happned to Family Game night?...

Yeah so... last night was spose to be family game night... oh except someone did show up... even after they told us at 11:30 they were finally on their way... yeah they really wern't... and so at 1am we finally turned the porch light out and went to bed. so the moral of the story is... I don't think we'll ever get another family game night :*(

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bride's maid

So my friend Victoria is getting hitched... and this is the dress she wants us to wear... but in platinum... this dress looks amazing to me, I wonder what hers will look like

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


God sure does make beautiful things...

Monday, January 02, 2006

Lost in the scheme of things...?

WOW that's one way of 'fitting in'!

why not stand out though?
why do people feel like you have to fit in to a world that is so corrupt, and wrong...?

Be Original, Stand out, make a seen, BE SEEN! Don't stand still... jump, Yell & dance

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Hey Hey Hey Hipity Hopity Kids! haha and everyone who doesn't necessarily like hip hop.. yeah I'm one of those... sorry it's true.. anyways This is my Buddy JOE... aka THE JOE... he has a passion for God and music... and so is a christian MC, Pretty cool huh?

His new CD (release date is January 24th) is 'The Proletariat LP' it's pretty good, some awesome people are featured on this album as well. So if you wanna listen to some good tunes, and don't wanna hear all that garbage mainstream hip hop is pouring into the youths ears then... check this out! :D haha I think it's pretty good.

The pictures above:
first 3 are the album (he signed for me twice! heck ya!)
The last two are Joe!

check out his web site! it's pretty rad! If you want a copy request his album in your local CD/ Record shop, or order online... oh don't forget to sign his guest book!!!! :D