this girl in our class (who will remain nameless because I think it's not respectful to talk about her behind her back... But it is necessary in this case for the story... ) got a little upset that myself and another girl would not write it until we got back. So I just kept turning my cheek, and forgiving her because hey that's what Jesus would do.
So now we're here again TUESDAY... And I'm the first to arrive... I'm sitting quietly because I want them to have a quite study time before the test... First to arrive is the girl mentioned above... She comments on how I am not writing the exam... Then when the girl who sits next to her comes she starts saying how she hopes I and the other girl(who is not writing) are put into another room... And when they mark the exams we should not be in hearing distance because that would not be fair.
so I still bite my tongue... Then... She says it again and again that she thinks we'll cheat and how it is not fair. So I just get up and say "I'm leaving I can not take anymore of this.... I don't know what I did to you to deserve this. And the fact of the matter is I already know all the questions to the test, and the answers... You do too, so I don't know what the big deal is!"
Then I went to go tell Dennis our teacher I was leaving nearly in tears I told him what the other girls were saying and how I couldn't deal with that, and didn't think I deserved that treatment.
so as I walked to the mall I pretty much did cry, I hate having people hate each other... Why can't we all just get along... Then I realized I don't have my Myo 4 notes... So now I will probably fail MYOLOGY 4 then my legs felt like they would fall off because an hour walking in that cold sucked... and it was at LEast an hour to my house from the mall probably more... so I phoned a cab... which cost me $10:( okay so that's my venting sob story... I hope all your days were better....
pray that I can be a positive influence in these ladies lives...
Love and God bless!
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