wow it's been only a million days ... (maybe less) since I wrote on this thing...
so reason is today....
isn't it crazy when you find out things about your friends.... and they aren't "little things" like they insist... but things that make your jaw drop and go..."Whattttt?", or "When was this...?" or "ohhhhhh "grab mouth" I'm so sorry"....
cause it seems like that was the theme yesterday... I can not believe I didn't know half the stuff I was told... oh well but I'm most shocked about one person and they don't even know I know, I wanna tell him I know but I don't think I can do that....
so if your a guy and you have a huge secret haha just assume I know.... haha jk...
anyways peace out homies haha
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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