I think this website is a good idea, not only because it helps people talk about their fears/doubts but also lets everyday non-Christians to get incite to their questions/problems too. :)
ps. I much rather sit on Jesus' knee then Santa... he's a creeper if you ask me... but then again that's just me
I hate that it has snowed as much as it has already. I hate that I have to walk 15 minutes to the bus in this freeezing cold tundra. I hate that I have a dirty mouth from working at EC (mostly cause we all hate EC herself) I hate that I have to burn myself out just to make the amount of money that I am making.
yeah so I hate a lot of things...
I love that I have a nice warm and dry house to come to every night I love that I don't have to walk the entire way to work :O scary!! I love that I have met some of the people from work that I have... I love that I can handle the amount of work I do to a certain extent.
but I'm tired daily etc. etc. I can't wait till this part time think kicks into full extent.
alright I'm done venting/recovering for the hate :P